Displacement data is provided by the UNHCR’s PRMN system, kindly supported by its donors and implemented by NRC.
This data may be corrected or updated at any time as need be.

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# Region District Aug-2024 Sep-2024 Oct-2024 Nov-2024 Dec-2024 Jan-2025
1 AwdalBorama 240 44 10 24 12
2 AwdalBaki 80 12
3 AwdalLughaye 76 12 12 24
4 AwdalZeylac 30 330 30 36 16
5 Woqooyi GalbeedHargeysa 23 30 32 20
6 Woqooyi GalbeedBerbera
7 Woqooyi GalbeedGebiley 4
8 TogdheerBurco 47 42 143 131 40
9 TogdheerBuuhoodle 18 51 541 29592 51
10 TogdheerOwdweyne 6 20 14 4
11 TogdheerSheikh 6
12 SoolLaas Caanood 37 421 402 1696 546
13 SoolCaynabo 141 6
14 SoolTaleex 96 26 121 188 84
15 SoolXudun 220 6 6
16 SanaagCeerigaabo 224 331 12 40 3963 2013
17 SanaagCeel Afweyn 8
18 SanaagLaasqoray 640 18 153 166 62 331
19 BariBossaso 922 928 971 924 842 42
20 BariBandarbeyla 106 60 108 123 74
21 BariCaluula 646 180 68 86 8 519
22 BariIskushuban 684 162 160 93 104 521
23 BariQandala 637 166 99 47 142 6866
24 BariQardho 283 402 518 518 331
25 NugaalGaroowe 356 273 732 558 289
26 NugaalBurtinle 60 68 80 297 104
27 NugaalEyl 125 191 329 209 126
28 MudugGaalkacyo 108 176 116 220 22926 48
29 MudugGaldogob 256 232 106 145 1468 102
30 MudugHobyo 106
31 MudugJariiban 74 32 66 88 120 48
32 MudugXarardheere 18 52 240 267 108
33 GalgaduudDhuusamarreeb 29 108
34 GalgaduudCabudwaaq 121 138 100 269 147 407
35 GalgaduudCadaado 6 4
36 GalgaduudCeel Buur 150 6 118 338 311 46
37 GalgaduudCeel Dheer 12 22 109 209 103 136
38 HiraanBelet Weyne 128 8 68 13338 152 96
39 HiraanBulo Burto 196 113 66 135 69 342
40 HiraanJalalaqsi 194 115 235 553 444 112
41 Middle ShabelleJowhar 562 393 374 272 267 89
42 Middle ShabelleAdan Yabaal 14 122 268 496 296 1345
43 Middle ShabelleBalcad 426 619 1758 1686 512 22
44 Middle ShabelleCadale 30 24 529 240 912
45 BanadirMogadishu 176 86 470 1612 290 28
46 Lower ShabelleMarka 26 28 220 142 97 552
47 Lower ShabelleAfgooye 118 1412 327 1159 2398 552
48 Lower ShabelleBaraawe 12 16 109 12
49 Lower ShabelleKurtunwaarey 243 145 766 1599 1196 1207
50 Lower ShabelleQoryooley 128 252 481 68 106 2532
51 Lower ShabelleSablaale 8 42 123 32
52 Lower ShabelleWanla Weyn 801 708 496 211 26 629
53 BayBaydhaba 1063 1289 3301 722 646 180
54 BayBuur Hakaba 711 747 667 301 465 230
55 BayDiinsoor 2294 1405 2658 796 1195 258
56 BayQansax Dheere 968 595 1130 416 448 67
57 BakoolXudur 697 603 462 565 344 22
58 BakoolCeel Barde 757 756 849 1128 708 142
59 BakoolTayeeglow 148 154 12 160 100 114
60 BakoolWaajid 184 146 132 75 340 32
61 BakoolRab Dhuure 187 268 445 230 134 470
62 GedoGarbahaarey 310 130 323 207 271 66
63 GedoBaardheere 1161 980 1266 544 749 83
64 GedoBelet Xaawo 6 53 8
65 GedoCeel Waaq 391 164 276 255 220 68
66 GedoDoolow 6 25
67 GedoLuuq 103 36224 28 6
68 Middle JubaBu'aale 778 674 1048 954 1250 312
69 Middle JubaJilib 701 500 985 873 993 272
70 Middle JubaSaakow 276 193 503 1865 387 218
71 Lower JubaKismaayo 732 252 1455 1011 863 5990
72 Lower JubaAfmadow 742 701 841 327 260 2706
73 Lower JubaBadhaadhe 199 78 75 318 3416 88
74 Lower JubaJamaame 112 136 742 1015 890 128