Displacement data is provided by the UNHCR’s PRMN system, kindly supported by its donors and implemented by NRC.
This data may be corrected or updated at any time as need be.

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# Region District Jul-2021 Aug-2021 Sep-2021 Oct-2021 Nov-2021 Dec-2021
1 AwdalBorama 188 213 275 146 334 183
2 AwdalBaki 129 80 107 61 118 54
3 AwdalLughaye 13 203 42 27 53 66
4 AwdalZeylac 24 17 19 41 50 41
5 Woqooyi GalbeedHargeysa 56 74 278 134 148 128
6 Woqooyi GalbeedBerbera 150
7 Woqooyi GalbeedGebiley 17 34 24 36
8 TogdheerBurco 98 99 69 108 31 482
9 TogdheerBuuhoodle 18 39 223 90 1065
10 TogdheerOwdweyne
11 TogdheerSheikh
12 SoolLaas Caanood 259 156 239 352 314 1313
13 SoolCaynabo 135 146 196 142 190 521
14 SoolTaleex 9 72 30
15 SoolXudun 18 104 185 755
16 SanaagCeerigaabo 387 506 331 533 1007 807
17 SanaagCeel Afweyn 59 99 45 89 53 13
18 SanaagLaasqoray 826 379 830 564 1855 379
19 BariBossaso 277 531 614 687 796 13792
20 BariBandarbeyla 32 57 50 44 228 122
21 BariCaluula
22 BariIskushuban 160 163 206 224 966 300
23 BariQandala 17
24 BariQardho 941 959 1209 1965 5281 2634
25 NugaalGaroowe 506 381 243 358 108 100
26 NugaalBurtinle 104 369 600 524
27 NugaalEyl 89 181 714
28 MudugGaalkacyo 3098 2121 476 1417 3125 399
29 MudugGaldogob 213 168 364 330 315 339
30 MudugHobyo 1124 563 1199 766 1399
31 MudugJariiban 52 58 195 82
32 MudugXarardheere 12 262
33 GalgaduudDhuusamarreeb 357 824 1681 100475 78560 551
34 GalgaduudCabudwaaq 180
35 GalgaduudCadaado 12318 68 14
36 GalgaduudCeel Buur
37 GalgaduudCeel Dheer 178
38 HiraanBelet Weyne 168 668 1740 14373 1618
39 HiraanBulo Burto 108 97 438
40 HiraanJalalaqsi 116 136 138
41 Middle ShabelleJowhar 1800 732 909 389 1316
42 Middle ShabelleAdan Yabaal 261 82 192 228
43 Middle ShabelleBalcad 262 385 153 46
44 Middle ShabelleCadale 34 138 64 261
45 BanadirMogadishu 5743 1717 12383 12145 24686 56325
46 Lower ShabelleMarka 889 582 433 605 312 346
47 Lower ShabelleAfgooye 1986 731 340 2258 430 490
48 Lower ShabelleBaraawe 33
49 Lower ShabelleKurtunwaarey 81 47 6 130
50 Lower ShabelleQoryooley 58 9 178
51 Lower ShabelleSablaale 12
52 Lower ShabelleWanla Weyn 194 171 175 191 115 163
53 BayBaydhaba 486 3922 334 1868 336 4255
54 BayBuur Hakaba
55 BayDiinsoor 270 148 249 386 487 259
56 BayQansax Dheere 399 469 183 471 207 383
57 BakoolXudur 497 449 434 385 1025 1070
58 BakoolCeel Barde 362 331 306 268 731 805
59 BakoolTayeeglow
60 BakoolWaajid 330
61 BakoolRab Dhuure
62 GedoGarbahaarey 162 104 93 91 350 374
63 GedoBaardheere 205 18 290 2545
64 GedoBelet Xaawo 273 319 268 507 2092 634
65 GedoCeel Waaq 137 148 162 242
66 GedoDoolow 9252 590 199 231 2067 2490
67 GedoLuuq 9485 255 212 947 3279 709
68 Middle JubaBu'aale 33 6 39
69 Middle JubaJilib 14 155 8
70 Middle JubaSaakow 778 601 451 783 1348 614
71 Lower JubaKismaayo 372 274 207 599 1363 15094
72 Lower JubaAfmadow 1542 1030 3230 3951 5497 2574
73 Lower JubaBadhaadhe 169 161 203 367 293 568
74 Lower JubaJamaame 321 373 355 324 137 4221