Displacement data is provided by the UNHCR’s PRMN system, kindly supported by its donors and implemented by NRC.
This data may be corrected or updated at any time as need be.

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# Region District Mar-2022 Apr-2022 May-2022 Jun-2022 Jul-2022 Aug-2022
1 AwdalBorama 237 603 277 587 264 284
2 AwdalBaki 96 21 44 79 60 229
3 AwdalLughaye 97 14 12 156 119 1567
4 AwdalZeylac 47 88 75 72
5 Woqooyi GalbeedHargeysa 143 95 82 202 111 83
6 Woqooyi GalbeedBerbera 3 37 38
7 Woqooyi GalbeedGebiley 100 9 11 57
8 TogdheerBurco 3240 8520 3600 100 2700
9 TogdheerBuuhoodle 292 564 39 1248 98 111
10 TogdheerOwdweyne 7440 1804 1320
11 TogdheerSheikh
12 SoolLaas Caanood 445 104 219 5099 226 1124
13 SoolCaynabo 234 233 304 1148 469 271
14 SoolTaleex 118 17 33 471
15 SoolXudun 82 46 1773
16 SanaagCeerigaabo 573 501 583 503 422 329
17 SanaagCeel Afweyn 139 23 12 8 34 11
18 SanaagLaasqoray 417 809 299 817 314
19 BariBossaso 562 633 780 677 6268 991
20 BariBandarbeyla 76 69 80 33 10 109
21 BariCaluula 33 61 9
22 BariIskushuban 501 432 439 2360 574 5772
23 BariQandala 19 37 647
24 BariQardho 1090 786 1179 1291 1337 4806
25 NugaalGaroowe 708 448 189 16 136
26 NugaalBurtinle 72 102 12 45
27 NugaalEyl
28 MudugGaalkacyo 6675 6675 1232 1257 1498 1249
29 MudugGaldogob 706 512 331 3423 628 679
30 MudugHobyo 10 5277 63 6 115
31 MudugJariiban 17 35
32 MudugXarardheere
33 GalgaduudDhuusamarreeb 1446 100 56879 1366 627 742
34 GalgaduudCabudwaaq 618 3600 7
35 GalgaduudCadaado 294 8 4593 350
36 GalgaduudCeel Buur 216
37 GalgaduudCeel Dheer 108 77
38 HiraanBelet Weyne 546 612 134 145255
39 HiraanBulo Burto 68 26 36972
40 HiraanJalalaqsi 110
41 Middle ShabelleJowhar 782 636 517 510 2583 338
42 Middle ShabelleAdan Yabaal 207 180 57 153 118 102
43 Middle ShabelleBalcad 252 268 196 193 119 129
44 Middle ShabelleCadale 173 77 33 109 64 72
45 BanadirMogadishu 27993 16917 29011 68303 24081 29148
46 Lower ShabelleMarka 56 21 196 2781 175 64
47 Lower ShabelleAfgooye 239 306 790 3701 2498 228
48 Lower ShabelleBaraawe 246 132 83
49 Lower ShabelleKurtunwaarey 152 226 412 2
50 Lower ShabelleQoryooley 356 44 65 59
51 Lower ShabelleSablaale 77
52 Lower ShabelleWanla Weyn 5 8
53 BayBaydhaba 4266 260 394 1241 1210 27682
54 BayBuur Hakaba
55 BayDiinsoor 356 229 237 308 16965 1118
56 BayQansax Dheere 483 266 273 575 15273 1149
57 BakoolXudur 1358 375 442 546 915 636
58 BakoolCeel Barde 1372 663 693 634 19668 593
59 BakoolTayeeglow 15
60 BakoolWaajid
61 BakoolRab Dhuure 13920
62 GedoGarbahaarey 1446 621 1027 715 608 695
63 GedoBaardheere 3838 1150 1960 1158 5308 1859
64 GedoBelet Xaawo 886 491 492 691 656 662
65 GedoCeel Waaq 24
66 GedoDoolow 1885 99 93 1673 7867 9876
67 GedoLuuq 2104 540 4784 803 2564 678
68 Middle JubaBu'aale
69 Middle JubaJilib
70 Middle JubaSaakow 1919 954 584 693 659 1084
71 Lower JubaKismaayo 4553 551 346 530 364 14194
72 Lower JubaAfmadow 2474 733 1307 1632 839 1061
73 Lower JubaBadhaadhe 501 370 745 616 674 354
74 Lower JubaJamaame 366 281 380 422 465 297